一、 研究方向
二、 团队成员

三、 科研项目(近5年)
1. 湖北省重点研发计划(2020BBB052):好繁易制抗稻瘟病光温敏核不育系创制及新品种选育, 2020.7-2022.12。
2. 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD0200900):油菜化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范。子课题:油菜农药减量和替代增效共性技术研究, 2018.1-2020.12。
3. 湖北省技术创新重大专项子课题(2017ABA146):水稻病虫害综合防控关键技术研发,2017,5-2019,12。
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31771837):甘蓝型油菜MEDIATOR16调控核盘菌寄主抗性的分子机理研究,2018.1-2019.12。
5. 湖北省重点研发计划项目(2021BBA224):油茬稻稻田低碳栽培及稻米品质检测关键技术研发,2021.01-2023.12。
6. 湖北省第三批现代农业产业技术体系项目:特色优质水稻产业技术集成与示范推广,2021.01–2021.12。
7. 湖北省教育厅科学技术研究计划重点项目:延伸因子复合体调控水稻抗稻瘟病的分子机理解析,2020.07-2023.07。
8. 湖北省中央引导地方科技发展专项(2019ZYYD033):香味基因资源高效利用及优质香稻新品种中试示范,2019.01-2021.12。
9. 国家重点研发计划子课题(2018YFD0301303-1):双季稻机械化适宜品种筛选与应用,2018.07-2020.12。
10. 国家重点研发计划子课题(2017YFD0301401-7):长江中下游北部优质水稻品种选育及种植模式优化集成示范,2017.07-2020.12。
11. 湖北省技术创新专项重大项目(2018ABA080):节水抗旱水稻新品种培育。2018.01-2020.12。
12. 湖北省技术创新专项:饲料油菜标准化生产与应用关键技术研究,2017.01-2019.12。
13. 湖北省技术创新专项:油料智能化低温榨油机的研制与应用,2017.01-2019.12。
14. 湖北省农业技术推广总站项目:优质早稻品种(组合)的选育及配套优质高产栽培技术示范, 2017.01-2017.12。
15. 湖北省中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(2020ZYYD036):优质双季稻全程机械化栽培技术体系集成与示范, 2020.01-2022.12。
四、 学术论文(部分)
1. Xue-zhu Du, Mian Hao,Li-jin Guo, Shi-hao Li,Wan-ling Hu, Feng Sheng, Cheng-Fang Li,Integrated assessment of carbon footprint and economic profit from paddy fields under microbial decaying agents with diverse water regimes in central China,Agricultural Water Management,262 (2022) 107403
2. Qin Hu,Chuanwei Ao, Xiaorui Wang, Yanfei Wu,Xuezhu Du,GhWRKY1-like, a WRKY transcription factor, mediates drought tolerance in Arabidopsis via modulating ABA biosynthesis,BMC Plant Biology,(2021) 21:458
3. Huizhen Hu, Yiwei Tang, Jian Wu, Feizhi Chen, Yidan Yang, Xuancheng Pan, Xiang Dong, Xianda Jin, Sheng Liu, Xuezhu Du,Brassica napus mediator subunit16 induces BnMED25-and bnwrky33 activated defense signaling to confer Sclerotinia sclerotiorum resistance,Frontiers in Plant Science,August 2021|Volume 12 |Article 663536
4. Hu Q, Xiao S, Guan Q, Tu L, Sheng F, Du X, Zhang X. The laccase gene GhLac1 modulates fiber initiation and elongation by coordinating jasmonic acid and flavonoid metabolism. The Crop Journal, 2020, 522-533
5. Huizhen Hu,Ran Zhang,Yiwei Tang,Chenglang Peng,Leiming Wu ,Shengqiu Feng ,Peng Chen,Yanting Wang,Xuezhu Du ,Liangcai Peng.Cotton CSLD3 restores cell elongation and cell wall integrity mainly by enhancing primary cellulose production in the Arabidopsis cesa6 mutant. Plant Molecular Biology, (2019) 101:389–401
6. Chenggang Wang , Xuezhu Du , Zhonglin Mou. The Mediator Complex Subunits MED14, MED15, and MED16 Are Involved in Defense Signaling Crosstalk in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci. 2016 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01947
7. Xuezhu Du, Banglian Huang, Hui guan, Bangquan Huang.Production and genetic characterization of interspecific hybrids among Crambe abyssinica, C. hispanica and C. kralikii. Genet. Mol. Res. 2014,13: 6995-7005
8. Xuezhu Du, Lingxiao Yang, Xiao Yeb, Bin Li, Antibacterial activity of konjacglucomannan/chitosan blend films and their irradiation-modified counterparts. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 92:1302- 1307
9. Xue-Zhu Du, Jing Li, Bin Li , Effect of degree of deacetylation on physicochemical and gelation propertiesof konjac glucomannan. Food Research International, 2012,46:270-278 ,
10. Xuezhu Du, Bin Li, Xiaofang Wu and Shishuai Wang, Study on gelatinization property and edible quality mechanism of rice, Starch/Starke, 2012: 64, 846-854
11. Xue-zhu Du,Xian-hong Ge , Xing-cheng Yao, Zai-Yun Li, Production and genetic analysis of remote somatic hybrids between Brassica nupus and Isatis indigotica. Plant Cell Rep, 2009, 28:1105-1113
12. Xue-Zhu Du, Xian-Hong Ge, Zhi-Gang Zhao, Zai-Yun Li, Chromosome elimination and fragment introgression and recombination producing intertribal partial hybrids from Brassica napus×Lesquerella fendleri crosses. Plant Cell Rep, 2008, 27:261-271
13. Mian Hao, Lijin Guo,Xuezhu Du,Hongling Wang,Feng Sheng,Cheng-Fang Li,Integrated effects of microbial decomposing inoculant on greenhouse gas emissions, grain yield and economic profit from paddy fields under different water regimes,Science of The Total Environment,805 (2022) 150295
14. Feng ZY,Qin T, Du XZ ,Sheng F, Li CF.Effects of irrigation regime and rice variety on greenhouse gas emissions and grain yields from paddy fields in central China,Agricultural Water Management, 250 (2021) 106830
15. Dong Wang, Huan Wang, Yangyang Zhan, Yong Xu, Jie Deng, Jiangang Chen, Dongbo Cai, Qin Wang, Feng Sheng, Chouwen Chen, Engineering expression cassette of pgdS for efficient production of poly-γ-glutamic acids with specific molecular weights in Bacillus licheniformis, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology,July 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 728
16. Yanfei Wu, Jin Mao, Chuanwei Ao, Di Sun, Xiaorui Wang, Qin Hu, Xuezhu Du, Feng Sheng,Facile preparation of wormlike graphitic carbon nitride for photocatalytic degradation of ustiloxin A,Nanomaterials,2020, 10(11), 2256
17. Jiawei Wan,Yaqiong Pei,Ying Hu, Tingyang Ai, Feng Sheng,Jing Li, Bin Li , Microencapsulation of eugenol through gelatin-based emulgel for preservation of refrigerated meat. Food and Bioprocess Technology,2020(13), 1621–1632
18. Fuchao Zhan, Xiangxing Yan,Feng Sheng,Bin Li ,Facile in situ synthesis of silver nanoparticles on tannic acid/zein electrospun membranes and their antibacterial,catalytic and antioxidant activities.Food Chemistry,330 (2020) 127172
19. Kaikai Mao, Wenhao Li, Xun Liao, Chaoya Liu, Yao Qin, Zhijie Ren, Xueying Qin, Hu Wan, Feng Sheng,and Jianhong Li ,Dynamics of insecticide resistance in different geographical populations of Chilo suppressalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in China 2016-2018,Journal of Economic Entomology.112(4),2019, 1866–1874
20. Feng Sheng, Jinping Wang, cao cougui, Chengfang Li , Integrated rice-duck farming decreases global warming potential and increases net ecosystem economic budget in central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2018(25) : 22744-22753
21. Fuchao Zhan, Jing Li, Yuntao Wang, Minqi Shi, Bin Li, Feng Sheng, Bulk, foam and interfacial properties of tannic acid/sodium caseinate nanocomplexes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2018(66 ) : 6832-6839
22. Hongshan Liang, Feng Sheng, Bin Zhou, Yaqiong Pei, Bin Li, Jing Li ,Phosphoprotein/chitosan electrospun nanofibrous scaffold for biomineralization. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017(102): 218–224
23. Fuchao Zhan, Feng Sheng, Xiangxing Yan, Yingrui Zhu, Weiping Jin,JingLi, Bin Li, Enhancement of antioxidant and antibacterial properties for tannin acid/chitosan/tripolyphosphate nanoparticles filled electrospinning films:Surface modification of sliver nanoparticles. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017 (104) :813–820.
五、 申请专利
1. 一种海甘蓝种间杂种基因组原位杂交的方法(ZL201510125803.4)。
2. 甘蓝型油菜菘油细胞质雄性不育系的选育方法(CN201510639085.2)。
3. 调控水稻对稻瘟病抗性的中介因子OsMED16基(201910281797.X)。
4. 调控甘蓝型油菜菌核病抗性中介因子BnMED16基因及应用(201910591380.3)。
5. 调控甘蓝型油菜菌核病抗性的延伸因子BnELP4基因及应用(201910911403.4)。
6. 调控水稻对干旱和盐胁迫耐受性的转录因子OsNAC15基因及应用(202210251112.9)。
7. 协同调控水稻对干旱及稻瘟病抗性的脱落酸受体OsPYL2基因及其(202210251122.2)。
8. 一种聚γ-谷氨酸在水稻种子萌发中的应用(202210383805.3)。
9. 基于RNAi干扰核盘菌OAH基因的重组载体及其构建方法与应用(202210726073.3)。
六、 地方标准
七、 科技奖励
1. 1.2017年,《优质高产系列杂交早稻品种的选育与应用》,湖北省科技进步二等奖。
2. 2.2021年,《籼型水稻温敏核不育系 HD9802s及系列品种的推广应用》,湖北省科技成果推广二等奖。