2011.09-2015.01 北京科技大学,环境科学与工程,工学博士
2008.09-2011.06 华中农业大学,微生物学,理学硕士
2004.09-2008.06 长江大学,生物工程,理学学士
2018.07至今 湖北大学,副教授
2015.01-2018.06 湖北大学,讲师
2018.11-2019.11 美国耶鲁大学,访问学者
2012.10-2013.06 美国耶鲁大学,访问学者
1. 国家自然科学基金(41703109):基于磷酸盐氧同位素的C-P键型有机磷甲基磷酸酯在微生物和光解作用下的环境行为及转化机制;25万元;2018.01-2020.12,主持
2. 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0500200):畜禽养殖废弃物生物降解与资源化调控机制。子课题:昆虫肠道微生物降解废弃物功能及调控机制研究;19万元;2018.06-2020.12, 主持
3. 湖北省人才计划专项经费(080-090185):10万元;2018.05-2023.04,主持
4. 高效降解典型烃类污染物的微生物筛选与鉴定;20万元;2020.12-2021.11,主持
5. 用于抑制水体富营养化的除磷菌剂开发;30万元;2022.11-2023.12,主持
1. Li J, Liu H, Liu Z, Zhang X, Blake R, Huang Z, Cai M, Wang F**, Yu C*. (2023) Transformation mechanism of methylphosphonate to methane by Burkholderia sp: Insight from multi-labeled water isotope probing and transcriptomic. Environmental Research 218, 114970.
2. Li J#, Yu C#, Liu Z, Wang Y, Wang F*. (2023) Microplastic accelerate the phosphorus-related metabolism of bacteria to promote the decomposition of methylphosphonate to methane. Science of the Total Environment 858, 160020.
3. Zhao Z#, Yu C#, Yang C, Gao B, Jiménez N, Wang C, Li F, Ao Y, Zheng L, Tomberlin J, Ren Z, Yu Z, Zhang J, Cai M. (2023) Mitigation of antibiotic resistome in swine manure by black soldier fly larval conversion combined with composting. Science of the Total Environment 879, 163065.
4. Anqi Xiong, Linsen Ruan, Kaiyu Ye, Zhiyong Huang*, Chan Yu*. (2023) Extraction of chitin from black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) and its puparium by using biological treatment. Life-Basel 13, 1424.
5. Ao Y, Yang C, Wang S, Hu Q, Yi L, Zhang J, Yu Z, Cai M*, Yu C*. (2021) Characteristics and nutrient function of intestinal bacterial communities in black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae in livestock manure conversion. Microbial Biotechnology 14(3), 886-896.
6. Wang F#, Yu C #, Li H, Chang D, Blake RE. (2020) Effect of microbial growth rate on temperature and metabolic water recorded in 18O/16O ratios of PO4 in DNA. Chemical Geology 533, 119439.
7. Liu H, Fan X, Song H, Hu X, Zhang G, Yu C*, Li Yi*. (2019) Efficient production of gluten hydrolase Kuma030 in E. coli by hot acid treatment without chromatography. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 129, 109356.
8. Yu C, Wang F, Chang S, Yao J, Blake RE. (2018) Phosphate oxygen isotope evidence for methylphosphonate sources of methane and dissolved inorganic phosphate. Science of the Total Environment 644, 747–753.
9. Li H#, Yu C#, Wang F, Chang S, Yao J, Blake RE. (2016) Probing the metabolic water contribution to intracellular water using oxygen isotope ratios of PO4. PNAS 113, 5862–5867.
10. Yu C, Yao J, Cai M, Yuan H, Chen H, Ceccanti B. (2014) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degrading microflora in a tropical oil-production well. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 93(5), 632-636.
11. Yu C, Yao J, Cai M, Wang F, Masakorala K, Liu H, Blake RE, Doni S, Ceccant B. (2013) Functional gene expression of oil-degrading bacteria resistant to hexadecane toxicity. Chemosphere 93(7), 1424–1429.
12. Cai M, Yu C, Wang R, Si Y, Masakorala K, Yuan J, Yao J, Zhang J. (2015) Effects of oxygen injection on oil biodegradation and biodiversity of reservoir microorganisms in Dagang oil field, China. International Biodegradation & Biodegradation 98, 59–65.
13. Wang F, Yao J, Yu C, Chen H, Yi Z. (2014) Investigating Pseudomonas putida-Candida humicola interactions as affected by chelate Fe (Ⅲ) in soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 92(3), 358–363.
14. Zhang Q, Yu C, Min J, Wang Y, He J, Yu Z. (2011) Rational questing for potential novel inhibitors of FabK from Streptococcus pneumonia by combining FMO calculation, CoMFA 3D-QSAR modeling and virtual screening. Journal of Molecular Modeling 17(6), 1483–1492.
1. 喻婵,李俊红,刘厚权。伯克氏菌HQL1813及其分离筛选方法和应用。专利授权号:ZL201811504043.8。
2. 喻婵,敖悦,李俊红,阮林森。一株昆虫水虻幼虫肠道来源的枯草芽孢杆菌S4及其在低温高效降解蛋白方面的应用。专利授权号:ZL202110257808.8。
3. 喻婵,黄志勇,薛强,万勇,熊安琪,何星星,石俊豪。一株鲁菲不动杆菌及其在降解煤矸石中的应用。专利授权号:ZL202211675178.7。
4. 蔡珉敏,姚俊,陈辉伦,王飞,喻婵,刘文娟,孙菁菁,张弛,郭幻。利用注射器管筒制作的简易岩心驱油测试系统及模拟方法。专利授权号:ZL201310530275.1。