1. 智能型纳米药物载体的设计与制备。
2. 基于细菌微生物为平台的肿瘤精准治疗研究。
2016.09–2019.12 武汉大学化学与分子科学学院,高分子化学与物理,理学博士
2012.09–2015.06 湖北大学材料科学与工程学院,材料学,工学硕士
2008.09–2012.06 湖北大学材料科学与工程学院,高分子材料与工程,工学学士
2019.12至今 3344体育会员,博士后,副教授
1. 国家自然科学青年基金,2024/01-2026/12,30万,在研,主持
2. 湖北大学青年基金,2022/01-2023/12,2万,在研,主持
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2021/01-2022/12,8万,结题,主持
4. 省部共建生物催化与酶工程国家重点实验室开放课题资助,2021/12-2023/12,3万,结题,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,2019/01-2022/12,57万元,结题,参与
1. Wang L, Qin W, Xu W, Huang F, Xie X, Wang F, Ma L*, Zhang C*. (2021) Bacteria-mediated tumor therapy via photothermally-programmed cytolysin A expression. Small 17, 2102932.
2. Qin W, Wu Y, Hu Y, Dong Y, Hao T, Zhang C*. (2021) TPE-based peptide micelles for targeted tumor therapy and apoptosis monitoring. ACS Applied Bio Materials 4, 1038−1044.
3. Zhang C, Qin WJ, Bai XF, Zhang XZ. (2020) Nanomaterials to relieve tumor hypoxia for enhanced photodynamic therapy. Nano Today 35, 100960.
4. Zhang C, Peng SY, Hong S, et al. (2020) Biomimetic carbon monoxide nanogenerator ameliorates streptozotocin induced type 1 diabetes in mice. Biomaterials 245, 119.
5. Wang SB, Zhang C,# et al. (2020) Near-infrared light responsive nanoreactor for simultaneous photothermal and anti-inflammation therapy of tumor. ACS Central Science 6, 555–565.
6. Zhang C, et al. (2020) ZIF-8 integrated with glucose oxidase for glucose-responsive insulin delivery. Journal of Controlled Release 320, 159–167.
7. Zhang C, Liu W, L, Bai X, F, et al, (20)A hybrid nanomaterial with NIR-induced heat and associated hydroxyl radical generation for synergistic tumor therapy. Biomaterials 199, 1–9.
8. Zhang C, Zheng DW, Li CX, et al. (2019) Hydrogen gas improves photothermal therapy of tumor and restrains the relapse of distant dormant tumor. Biomaterials 223, 119472.
9. Zhang C, Wang SB, Chen ZX, et al. (2019) A tungsten nitride-based degradable nanoplatform for dual-modal image-guided combinatorial chemo-photothermal therapy of tumors. Nanoscale 11, 2027–2036.
10. Wang SB, Zhang C,# Chen Z, X, et al. (2019) A versatile carbon monoxide nanogenerator for enhanced tumor therapy and anti-inflammation. ACS Nano 13, 5523–5532.
11. Wang S, B Zhang C#, Liu X, H et al. (2019) A tungsten nitride-based O2 self-sufficient nanoplatform for enhanced photodynamic therapy against hypoxic tumors. Advanced Therapeutics 2, 1900012.
12. Hao TH, Zhang C,# et al, (2016) Effects of co-hard segments on the microstructure and properties thermoplastic poly(ether ester) elastomers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 133, 4337.
1. 2020年获湖北省省级人才
2. 2019年获得武汉大学“优秀共产党员”
3. 2019年获得武汉大学“创新二等奖”
4. 2014年获得湖北大学“硕士研究生国家奖学金”
七、 招生要求