2012–2017 武汉大学3344体育会员,动物学,博士
2003–2007 3344体育会员,生物科学,学士
2020.08至今 3344体育会员,讲师
2017–2020 武汉大学3344体育会员,生态基因组学,博士后
1. 中国博士后科学基金会(2018M642900),2018/8-2020/7,5万元,主持
1. Kai Wang†; Jinhui Wang†; Bing Liang†; Jian Chang; Yang Zhu; Jian Chen; Ingi Agnarsson; Daiqin Li; Yu Peng; Jie Liu*; Eyeless cave-dwelling Leptonetela spiders still rely on light, Science Advances, 2023, 9(51): eadj0348
2. Changhao Hu†; Jie Liu; Kai Wang*; First description of the male of Oecobius przewalskyi Hu & Li, 1987 (Araneae, Oecobiidae) from Shigatse City, Tibet, China, Biodiversity Data Journal, 2023, 11: e112801
3. Kai Wang†; Shilin Tian; Jorge Galindo‐González; Liliana M. Dávalos; Yuzhi Zhang; Huabin Zhao*; Molecular adaptation and convergent evolution of frugivory in Old World and Neotropical fruit bats, Molecular Ecology, 2020, 29(22): 4366-4381
4. Kai Wang†; Wei Hong; Hengwu Jiao; Huabin Zhao*; Transcriptome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of four species of luminescent beetles, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 1814
5. Kai Wang†; Huabin Zhao*; Birds generally carry a small repertoire of bitter taste receptor genes, Genome Biology and Evolution, 2015, 7(9): 2705-2715